Cost and Forms

2025 Rate Schedule

Cost for augmentation for 2025 will remain $300, unchanged from 2024 rates.

Well Augmentation Service for Current Customers

Indian Mountain lot owner’s who are current customers of Bar Star must use the below contract to renew augmentation service if their long-term plan with Bar Star has expired. Well owners on annual plans must also fill out this contract. Only annual plans will be offered going forward. The annual fee for Bar Star’s augmentation service is currently $300 and will be billed each January hereafter to standardize billing.

If a current customer of Bar Star has sold their property, the new lot owners should use the same contract below to transfer service into their name.

Well Augmentation Service Contract For Current Customers

Well Augmentation Service for New Well Permits

If you are applying for a well permit through the Colorado Division of Water Resources (“DWR”) to construct a new well, or are converting an existing well to a residential/domestic water well, to serve your lot in the Indian Mountain subdivision, you must be enrolled with Bar Star or another augmentation provider for water augmentation service in order for DWR to approve your permit. Please use the below contract to sign up for service with Bar Star.

Well Augmentation Service Contract for New Well Permits

Well Augmentation Service for New Customers

Indian Mountain lot owners who are not current customers of Bar Star or who have purchased property in Indian Mountain from a prior owner who was not a current customer of Bar Star should use this contract.

Well Augmentation Service Contract for New Customers

Vacant Lot Fee Program

The vacant lot fee program (currently $25/year) is no longer being offered to lot owners. However, those lot owners who have already signed up for it and are up-to-date on all payments will be honored. Please note, we will not be invoicing for the fee. You must remember to send in your payment by the end of January each year. This program is not transferable to new owners should you sell your home.

Defined Terms:

Current Customer – Lot owner who has signed up for water service with Bar Star and is current on billing.

New Customer –  Lot owner who has not signed up for water service with Bar Star, lot owner who is not current on billing with Bar Star and/or lot owner who has purchased a property from a lot owner who was not current on billing with Bar Star.

Additional Information:

o      W-7389 Decree
o      Colorado Division of Water Resources

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us by email.

Bar Star Water Company
P.O. Box 1187
Golden, Colorado 80402